Saint Dymphna - Novena prayers for today's problems

Life of Saint Dymphna


of Mental Illness,

of Insanity,

of Family Harmony,

of Runaways

 Saint Dymphna was martyred for upholding her virtuous beliefs. She looked exactly like her attractive young mother, this was not to be a blessing but would eventually be the cause of her death at the hands of her father.

Dymphna was the only child of a pagan king who is believed to have ruled a section of Ireland in the 7th century and her beautiful mother who died unexpectedly when Dymphna was barely a teenager.

Her father remained inconsolable after his wife’s death. His persistent dark mood soon pushed him to the verge of mental collapse and insanity. To help uplift his spirit his courtiers suggested he marry again, he agreed on the condition that his new bride look exactly like the late beloved queen. His envoys searched the country for a woman the king desired, but found no one. 

Appallingly one courtier suggested the king marry his own daughter, Dymphna, who was the living image of her mother. Repelled at first, the king eventually agreed because of his mental instability and his need for a wife. When this idea was put to Dymphna she was disgusted and refused to consider such a marriage. 

She sought advice from her confessor Father Gerebern who, after giving the situation considerable thought counselled her to flee the palace. Soon afterwards Dymphna and Father Gerebern, with the help of the court jester and his wife, set out with loyal vassals rowing them across the sea toward Antwerp, Belgium. The small group settled in the village of Gheel, near a shrine dedicated to St Martin of Tours. Dymphna's kindness endeared her to the local people and she walked among them like an angel of mercy.

Three months later spies from her native land arrived in Gheel. they paid their inn fees with coins similar to the ones Dymphna had used. Unaware these men were spies, the innkeeper innocently commented on this fact and told them of a beautiful young girl and priest living nearby.

The spies returned to the king and told him of Dymphna's location. The king
instantly sought out his daughter and again he tried to change her mind, again
she refused saying she would rather die than break the vow of virginity she had made.

Thinking he could change Dymphna's mind if she was deprived of the moral support of Father Gerebern, the king ordered the priest to be killed, but this did not alter her decision and only added to her determination.

She told her father: "Nothing will induce me to offend Jesus Christ. Never will I give in to you”. This infuriated the mentally disturbed king and he ordered his men to kill Dymphna, but they loved the young princess and couldn’t bring themselves to carry out his order.

Now in an uncontrollable rage the king then leaped from his seat and with his own
sword cut off his daughters head. Dymphna, barely fifteen years old, fell at his feet. 

Saint Dymphna

your family suffered the anguish
of mental illness.

You were martyred for your virtue.

You understand
the suffering
I am facing,

for me.

Novena Prayers for today's Problems
Saint Dymphna prayer pack
is designed for those
who need the Power of Prayer
to help with family issues
including mental illness,
family disharmony
or for families who have the
worry of a member who has
lost contact with them.

This is a Novena to
Saint Dymphna,
beautiful, virtueous daughter
of a mentally ill king,
she lost her life at his hand.

The Novena can be prayed
over nine hours (one per hour)
or over nine days (one per day).