About Us - Novena - Prayers for today's Problems

Our Business


 NOVENA Prayers for today's Problems is a privately owned business and is not affliated with any church.

 Our purpose is to promote the power of prayer and all that it can achieve.

 Prayers for today's Problems sell Novena packs which include a fact sheet about the Saint you choose to pray to, plus nine Novena cards.

It is hoped that these Novena cards will be left in places where people who need them will find them.

We research and cross reference each Saint, then design the artistic likeness of each Saint.

The next step is to research the best prayers for each purpose, using a blend of modern and traditional language.

Our wordsmiths craft a prayer that enables you to includes your specific request.

After this we design the cards and fact sheet, print it and laminate the cards.

The cost we charge is minimal and includes postage.

Each Novena Power of Prayer pack costs $9(AUD) includes handling/postage and tax.

Religious Gifts
Also we will be able to sell religious icons and artwork from time to time.

These will be of high quality but in limited numbers, very often only one item will be available so it will be sold to the first purchaser who reaches us via email order.

Our supplier, 'Holy Spirit Gifts', may be able to supply a special gift if you are looking for something in particular. 

Use our Contact Us form to ask if we can supply you with a gift you are looking for
but cannot find.

Our Story

Experiencing the Power of Prayer

(This is a true story)

Some of  the people involved in our business have personally experienced the power of prayer and the gifts of a Novena.

 "Years ago a close friend's young daughter had a terrible, life-threatening accident.

 "I prayed to Mary Mother of God for her to recover.

 "Each day I went to the church, lit a candle in front of the statue of Our Lady then
I knelt in prayer.

"Every day the reports were the same, she was still in a coma.

"Then one morning word came through that the doctors did not expect her to live, 
they prepared her parents for the worst.

"The report was that if she did regain consciousness she would have very little 
brain activity and that she would never recover.

"This news touched me deeply. My heart broke for her parents, for her brother and sister and for her. She was a bright, bubbly young girl whose friendly nature 
made her very popular at school and in the neighbourhood.

"To lose such a promising life seemed to me to be unjust.

"That day I went to the church with pain in my heart. I lit the candle and knelt to pray, but I was so upset I couldn't pray.

"So I sat on the front pew and looked into the eyes of Our Lady's statue and talked to her directly.

"I spoke to Mary, herself a mother who felt the pain of losing a child.

"Then I prayed like I have never prayed before. Tears poured down my face, the pain in my heart was palpable.

"As I prayed waves of emotion flowed through me, I became so upset. Then, out of nowhere, I went from crying to an unearthly calm place.

"There are no words to explain this feeling of calm. If you have experienced it you 
will know what I mean.

"If you have never been there my wish is that one day you experience it. It is truly beyond words, it is as if you are completely held in the hands of God.

"There was no emotions, no feelings, just this sensation that there was no more need to pray.

"I left the church and went home. I phoned the hospital.

"My friend came on the phone, her voice was so bright and cheery.

"She told me that a few minutes before my phone call her daughter unexpectedly came out of her coma, looked at her mother and said "Where has Bernadette gone?"

"My friend explained Saint Bernadette is her daughter's confirmation saint and the
only Bernadette the family knows.

"To the doctor's amazement she not only came out of the coma but showed no signs of brain damage only a small amount of memory loss.

"Today she is married with children and living her life to the fullest.

"A medical miracle? To me she is the living proof of the power of prayer.

"I know what I experienced and I know that Mary listened to my request and that 
through her the Lord granted it."

Anne Clarke

Novena Prayers for today's Problems